Rhythm Randomizer

Generate random rhythmic patterns for musical inspiration, practice, or composition. Adjust parameters to create different rhythms, then press "Generate Rhythm" to create a new pattern. Press "Play" to hear your rhythm.

About Rhythm Randomization

Rhythm randomization is a powerful technique used by musicians and composers to break out of habits and discover new musical ideas. Our randomizer creates patterns based on musical principles while introducing controlled randomness.

How to Use This Tool

  • Beats Per Measure: Set the time signature (e.g., 4 beats for 4/4 time)
  • Number of Measures: Choose how many measures to generate
  • Subdivision: Select the rhythmic resolution (8th, 16th, or 32nd notes)
  • Density Range: Control how many notes appear in your pattern
  • Accent Probability: Determine how likely notes are to be accented (louder)
  • Syncopation: Add rhythmic interest with off-beat emphasis